Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer "To Do" List

Summer officially begins the end of June and ends the end of September, but my summer begins the last day of school and ends the first day of school. At the beginning of every summer, I always have a long list of projects I want to complete ("To Do" list) and books I want to read during my free time. I usually end up doing all the reading at the beginning of the summer and all the projects at the end of the summer (I'm a procrastinator). This summer started out like all the rest: with a short "To Do" list and a lengthy reading list. I'm proud to say that so far I've completed almost everything on my "To Do List":

1. Begin Logan's baby book (I don't intend to finish this until he is 1 year old, so it is an ongoing project).
2. Spend valuable time with my son, my husband, my family and my friends (see previous blog entries).
3. Read books on summer reading list.

So, enjoy this entry because there won't be any more blog entries for the next couple weeks...I have to spend every spare minute reading :)

1 comment:

  1. So...please share your book list. Inquiring minds want to know.
