Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Memories of Mom

The other night Jesse asked me a question about my mom before she was sick and I couldn't really remember the answer. I often have difficulty remembering her before she was sick since she was diagnosed when I was only 20 years old and she was sick for 7 years after. So, here are some of the things I do remember from before she was sick:
~She was beautiful!
~She was ALWAYS reading a book...I even remember her reading a book once while she was curling her hair (curling iron in her right hand and book in her left hand).
~She loved playing sports and working out...she was always going for a walk, a bike ride or walking on the treadmill. I also remember going to many of her softball games when I was younger.
~She ironed everything...even her jeans.
~She loved The Sound of Music and Tim McGraw's song, "Don't Take the Girl".
~She was very competitive. Even when she played games with me, she never let me win as many mothers might often do. She always beat me and she enjoyed winning :)
~She spent many hours helping me with my homework and helping me study.
~She was a great listener!
~She was not good at singing, cooking, scrapbooking or decorating (many things that women take pride in these days), BUT she was good at the important stuff...being a good friend, having fun, laughing and loving.
~She was my best friend!

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