Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Was So Mad

I love Mercer Mayer books! Every time I go to the library I pick up a few of them for Logan. One of my favorites is entitled I Was So Mad. I remember reading this book (and some of the other Mercer Mayer books) when I was young. I realize now why they are so appealing to kids...they are written from a kid's point of view. The other night when I was reading I Was So Mad to Logan, I suddenly realized that he must feel "so mad" quite often. Some days I just have to follow him around the house telling him "No", "Please don't do that" and "If you don't stop by the time I get to '3' you are going to have a time out!" It must make him "so mad" to not be allowed to jump on the couch, stand on the dishwasher door, play in Nemo's water bowl, throw his toys, play in the fireplace, etc...He just doesn't understand that he could fall and get hurt or break something or make a mess for his parents. He doesn't understand and it just makes him "so mad" (see picture below). So, while rules are important and meaningful, we recognize that sometimes it's okay to break the rules...sometimes breaking the rules can be fun and sometimes breaking the rules can make us soooo happy!

"I was so mad because mom and dad kept making me pose for pictures!"

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