Tuesday, July 12, 2011

God Made Toddlers

The word toddler or the phrase 2-year-old often has a negative connotation, but I can't help but look at my toddler and think that he is a gift straight from Heaven:

~My toddler, Logan, makes me laugh on a daily basis...God created us to laugh and enjoy this life He has given us.

~Logan asks me to play with him...playing with my child allows me to be childlike and carefree...qualities that God desires for me.

~Logan is a mirror for my own behavior...there are times when I get cranky and I yell at him and he yells right back causing me to see myself in him and see how ugly my behavior is...this helps me regulate my behavior and reminds me to be patient and loving like God.

~Logan is forgiving...as a mom I make mistakes on a daily basis, Logan always forgives me just like God always forgives.

~Logan is soooo loving....he never shys away from a hug or a kiss...when he hugs me, he puts his whole body into it and I can feel his love surround me just like God's love surrounds me.

~Logan reminds me that I don't need to ask questions...Logan is always asking what things are and why things are the way they are...believing in God means all I have to say is "That's the way God made it."

~Logan has no fear and he trusts without exception...unlike me, who can be afraid of what others think or can be afraid of looking foolish or can be afraid of not being in control...Logan isn't afraid of any of those things, he just trusts...just like I need to just trust in God.

~Logan takes a nap every day...this nap time allows me to rest and even God rested on the seventh day...rest is important and allows me to reflect and replenish my mind and spirit.

Being a mom means I see, feel and hear God's work time and time again (even in my toddler) and I can glorify Him through my motherhood time and time again.