Thursday, November 19, 2009

First "Words"

Logan loves to talk. He talks in his crib when he's alone, he talks to his mom when she is changing his diaper, he talks to his dad when his dad is playing with him and he talks to himself when he is playing with his toys. He has started using "words" to express his wants and needs to his parents. It is amazing to see him turn into a little person. He says, "Ah duh" (all done) when he closes a book after "reading" it and when he is finished with his bottle. He says, "ma" (more) when he wants more to eat or drink. He says, "da da" (Daddy) when his daddy comes home from work in the evenings. He says, "up" when he climbs up the stairs. His mom and dad love to hear him talk and can't wait until he can have some real conversations with them!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Enjoying Birthday Gifts!

Thank you to Grandpa for my Harley shirt...I love it and thank you to Dane and Kate for my ATV that I can ride indoors!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Very Special Thank You

One of the first things I do everyday when I get home from work is get the mail. I usually find a pile of bills and catalogs and so that's why I was delighted to find something else in the mail earlier this week...a savings bond for Logan. It was a birthday gift from his "aunties"...Sue, Dale, Jill, Jackie, Barb and Debbie. His "aunties" are not truly related to us, but they will always be considered family. Sue, Dale, Jill, Jackie, Barb and Debbie were my mom's best friends. They met in college and have remained good friends ever since. They get together a couple times a year and share good stories, play games and eat good food and one of the neatest things about this group of ladies is that they love each other exactly they way they are. Since my mom passed away 4 years ago, I have had the pleasure of seeing them several times, including my wedding and my brother's wedding. Every time I see them I'm overwhelmed with emotion. So much of my life has changed since my mom passed away...I'm married with a child, Dane is married and moving down to Bloomington soon, I started a new job, I have some new friends and my relationship with my father has changed (we are much closer these days) and because of all these dramatic changes I tend to forget about life before Mom passed away...until I see her friends and suddenly I am reminded of her. I'm reminded of her wonderful sense of humor, her beauty, her compassion for others, her strength and her love for me and Dane. The only thing that connects these ladies lives to my life is their relationship with my mother. The fact that they want to continue a relationship with me and my son is so special and important to me. So, a very special thank you to Logan's "aunties" for a very special gift! I love you all very much (and Logan loves you too!)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Logan's First Illini Game and Second Halloween!

Last year at Halloween Logan was only 1 week old and too young to dress up or trick-or-treat. This year he was one, but still too young to trick-or-treat. Jesse and I decided to take him to the Illini football game so we could dress him up and celebrate without trick-or-treating. We always tailgate when we go to games and so we wanted to make sure Logan had the full experience. The place where we tailgate was pretty muddy so Logan spent most of his tailgating experience in his stroller or in the truck bed playing. We didn't think he would last very long during the game, but he lasted for about 3 quarters (he did fall asleep for an entire quarter and all of halftime, though)! On the way out of the stadium the man who was selling programs asked if it was Logan's first game. When we told him that it was, he gave us a program for free as a souvenir for his first college football game...HOW NEAT! It was a great day and a great way to celebrate Logan's second Halloween! We can't wait until next year when we can take him trick-or-treating.

"Reading" his Go Illini book

It was a great day to be an Illini fan (they beat Michigan!)

Jesse, wearing MY costume